duplicate contracts
yin yangcontracts
Tax evasion is never unilateral, and the “duplicate contracts” involve multiple parties including the actors, production companies, and investors, People’s Daily said, adding that every party should be held accountable. Therefore, to probe into this individual case and begin an all-round investigation is the anticipated next step.
The State Administration of Taxation also ordered local tax bureaus to act on "yin yang contracts" among movie actors, and vowed to take stronger measures against tax violations, CCTV reported.
Baynah and Shukri both returned to Somalia where they played key roles in the establishment of Hizbul Islam.40 Late in April 2009, Shukri reappeared in the company of Hassan Dahir Aweys whom he accompanied on his return trip from Asmara to Mogadishu (case study 1, in section II.A above).41 Meanwhile, Baynah continued to operate a successful travel agency in Stockholm specializing in transporting pilgrims to Mecca for the annual Hajj, but late in 2009 he was convicted by a Stockholm district court on charges of tax evasion, linked to the operation of an underground money transfer service.
与此同时,Baynah继续在斯德哥尔摩经营着一家成功的旅行社,专事运送朝圣者前往麦加进行一年一度的朝觐,但在2009年下半年,他被斯德哥尔摩一地区法院定罪, 罪名是逃税,与一家地下汇款服务公司的运作有关。