FIDIC是法文Fédération lnternationale Des lngénieurs Conseils的简称,指国际咨询工程师联合会,是国际上最有权威的被世界银行认可的咨询工程师组织。FIDIC下设许多专业委员会制订了许多建设项目管理规范与合同文本,已为联合国有关组织和世行、亚行等国际金融组织以及许多国家普遍承认和广泛采用。FIDIC于1999 年出版了四本新的合同标准格式第一版(后已经修订),分别被称为红皮书、黄皮书、银皮书和绿皮书,在海外工程施工合同中被广泛参考采用。
FIDIC红皮书指Conditions of Contract for Construction《施工合同条件》。
Conditions for Contract for Construction are recommended for building or engineering works designed by the Employer or by his representative, the Engineer. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contractor constructs the works in accordance with a design provided by the Employer. However, the works may include some elements of Contractor-designed civil, mechanical, electrical and/or construction works.
FIDIC黄皮书指Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build《生产设备和设计一施工合同条件》。
Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build are recommended for the provision of electrical and/or mechanical plant, and for the design and execution of building or engineering works. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contractor designs and provides in accordance with the Employer’s requirements, plant and/or other works: which may include any combination of civil, mechanical, electrical and/or construction works.
《生产设备和设计一施工合同条件》推荐适用于电气和 (或)机械设备供货以及建筑或工程的设计和施工。新黄皮书由通用条件、专用条件编写指南和投标函、合同协议书及 争议裁决协议书格式三部分组成。
FIDIC银皮书指Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turkey Projects《设计采购施工(EPC)/交钥匙工程合同条件》。
Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turkey Projects may be suitable for the provision on a turnkey basis of a process or power plant, of a factory or similar facility, or of an infrastructure project or other type of development, where (i) a higher degree of certainty of final price and time is required, and (ii) the Contractor takes total responsibility for the design and execution of the project, with little involvement of the Employer.
FIDIC绿皮书指《简明合同格式》Short Form of Contract。
Short Form of Contract is recommended for building or engineering works of relatively small capital value.. Depending on the type of work and circumstances, this form may also be suitable for contracts of greater value, particular for relatively simple or repetitive work or work of short duration. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contractor constructs the works in accordance with a design provided by the Employer or his representative (if any), but this form may also be suitable for a contract which includes or wholly comprises.