Divorce a mensa et thoro,分居;别居;有限离婚(元照英美法词典),经过法院判令的一种部分或有限的离婚,即夫妻关系分居,禁止共同寝食,但是不解除夫妻关系,英格兰在1857年废除了这种离婚方式。它是现代司法别居(judicial separation)的先导。
Divorce a vinculo matrimoii,法院判决的完全离婚,即婚姻关系完全解除,一词解除婚姻纽带并是双方当事人彻底免于承担婚姻责任。是一种普通法的判决方式,而这种离婚将宣告因该婚姻关系所生的子女均为私生子。英格兰在1857年的《婚姻案件法》(Matrimoial Cause Act)中引入了法定的完全离婚。
Divorece by consent,协议离婚,合意离婚,无过错离婚(no-fault divorce)的一种,当事人无需证明导致离婚的过错或者理由,仅需要说明婚姻已经无可挽回地破裂(irretrievably breakdown of marriage),或者意见分歧巨大已经不可调和(irreconcilable differentces),即可。美国大多数州制定各种形式的无过错离婚的制定法,《统一婚姻与离婚法》第302、305条也有相关的规定;英国的《婚姻案件法》也将婚姻无可挽救地破裂作为离婚的唯一理由。
Divorce by mutual consent,两愿离婚,指的不经过法院判决,经由夫妻双方立据离婚。这种制度源自罗马法。
Even before the Family Code Act was adopted, judges dealing with cases of divorce by mutual consent tended, in the name of the best interests of the child, to base their decisions concerning children’s social and economic rights on the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Keeping in view his landmark judgement in a divorce case, the Union of India is seriously considering his suggestion and amending the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, incorporating irretrievable breakdown of marriage as a ground for divorce.
鉴于他在离婚案件中的里程碑式判决,印度联邦郑重考虑他的 建 议,对《1955年印度婚姻法》作了修订,将破裂至无法挽救列为离婚的一个理由。
The Committee is concerned about information that the amendments to the Family Code made in 2011 restrict the right of foreign and stateless persons, including migrant workers, to marry Tajik citizens, by granting this right only to those who have legally resided in the State party for at least one year and by requiring a mandatory prenuptial agreement whereby the foreign or stateless spouse is obliged to provide his or her Tajik spouse and children with a dwelling, without having the right to acquire real estate property.
委员会感到关切的是,有消息指出,2011无国籍人士与塔吉克公民结婚的权利,只赋予在缔约 国合法居住至少一年的人这项权利,但要求他们必须签订婚前协议,外国人和无 国籍配偶负有为其塔吉克配偶和子女提供住所的义务,但没有获得房地产的权利。