根据元照英美法词典,指The quality, state, or condition of being allowed to be entered into evidence in a hearing, trial, or other official proceeding. 即具有在听审、庭审或其他程序中被允许作为证据提出的品质或状况。
The procedure established provides that the sponsors of those draft resolutions that at first sight appear inadmissible in the opinion of the Director-General may appeal to the General Conference, through the Legal Committee, to rule at last instance on their admissibility.
该程序规定了被总干事认为显然不可受理的决议草案提案国可以要求大会(通过法律委员会) 对其草案的可受理性作出最后裁决。
The Committee decided to ask the government concerned to be good enough to provide details regarding the reasons for the alleged victim’s sentence, and, more especially, whether the “counter-revolutionary” activities imputed to him included incitement to violence, since it was the activity, which the alleged victim was accused of and not necessarily his profession, which was essential in determining the admissibility of the communication (130 EX/3 PRIV., para. 35).
委员会请涉及国政府就判决所称受害者的理由,尤其是指控他所从事的“反革命”活动是否煽动使用暴力的问题向委员会提供说明,因为决定该来函可否受理的主要因素是指控上述受害者所从事的活动而不一定是他的职业(130 EX/3 PRIV.第 35 段)。
However, should the information contained therein be provided in accordance with the requirements listed under “Admissibility of cases of enforced or involuntary disappearances” and “Elements for admissibility”, the urgent appeal will become a standard [...] or urgent case as appropriate in which case the Government concerned will be informed by separate communication.