(1) 出庭。作为诉讼的一方当事人或作为一方当事人的律师或代理人出席法庭。
(2) 应诉。指被告人同意接受法院管辖:以出庭、提交书面答辩等方式使自己参加诉讼,成为一方当事人。在英国高等法院的民事诉讼中申明应诉是被告人在被送达传票后进行的一种正式程序,目的在于告知原告他将对原告的请求予以争辩。申明应诉应于限期内以书状呈交法院,并附具通知书由法院转告原告。现已被接受送达的做法所取代。
l Appearance term
l Appearance sec.stat.
出庭登录。(英格兰古法)依1745年《藐视拘捕法》(Frivolous Arrests Act)及1832年的相关法令在被告未出庭时将原告出庭的事实予以登记在案。上述法令已为1852年相关法令所取消。
To forbid further applications after the first one has been refused unless there are additional facts or circumstances which were not brought to the attention of the first court (i.e. either arising before or after the first appearance).
Detention is the exception, which may be justified in the concrete circumstances of a case (a) to ensure a person’s appearance at trial whenever there is a serious danger that he or she may abscond; (b) to prevent him or her from obstructing or endangering the investigation or the court proceedings; or (c) to prevent a repetition of the kind of conduct of which he or she is suspected.
Whereas, under the prior system, appeal proceedings were largely based on written submissions and did not include the examination of witnesses, the new system requires the appearance of Legal Officers at numerous hearings before the judges, which involves many hours of preparation prior to each hearing, including the time taken to prepare witnesses.