profits squeeze利润的减少
credit squeeze贷款紧缩
monetary squeeze货币紧缩
This reduction in financial liquidity, the so-called “credit squeeze”, has resulted in a reduction of developing countries’ trade opportunities.
这种金融流动性的减少,所谓的“信贷紧缩 ”,导致发展中国家贸易机会减少。
The credit squeeze is the result of a combination of factors limiting both supply and demand, associated with the fall in economic activity and the loss of wealth experienced by economic agents, most notably towards the end of 2008.
However, in many of the Latam Countries, ‘squeeze out’ procedures are in place, which allow the purchaser of a majority stake in a company to force the minority shareholders to sell their holdings (subject to certain requirements and limitations, this is the case in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru as regards listed companies, and in Venezuela and Colombia for simplified stock companies).