许可费(License Fees)条款是许可协议(License Agreement)中的核心条款之一,对许可费的计算方式(基于销售额或产量计算)、支付方式、调整方式等进行了规定,是协议双方最为关心的条款。本项条款必须措词准确,否则很可能会引发后续问题。以下为部分许可协议中的许可费条款双语示例,供参考:
第 6 条 许可费和使用费
6.1 As consideration for the disclosure of University’s Know-How as well as the licenses and rights under University’s Patent Rights,
a. Licensee agrees to pay a noncreditable, nonrefundable, up-front license fee as set forth in Exhibit C within sixty (60) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement;
被许可方同意在自本协议生效日期起六十 (60) 天内,支付附件 C 中所规定的不可抵销的、不可退还的预付许可费;
b. Licensee agrees to pay to University an annual, nonrefundable minimum royalty as set forth in Exhibit C. The minimum annual royalty is due and payable on the first of June each calendar year and may be credited against any earned royalties due for Net Sales made that year;
被许可方同意每年向大学支付附件 C 中所规定的不可退还的最低使用费。最低年度使用费应在每个日历年度的 6 月 1 日到期并予以支付,可以抵销由该年度内取得的销售净额产生的任何已赚取使用费;
c. Licensee agrees to pay University royalties as set forth in Exhibit C; and
被许可方同意向大学支付附件 C 中所规定的使用费;且
d. prior to the Effective Date, Licensee shall provide University with copies of its organizational and charter documents (the “Organizational Documents”) and English translations of the Organizational Documents (the “English Documents’).
6.2 No multiple royalties shall be payable because any Licensed Products or Licensed Processes are covered by more than one of the Patent Rights.
6.3 On sales of Licensed Products by Licensee to sublicensees or on sales made in other than arm’s-length transactions, the value of the Net Sales attributed under this Section to such a transaction shall be that which would have been received in an arm’s-length transaction, based on a like transaction at that time.
6.4 Payment Due Date:
a. Unless otherwise provided herein, all payments required under this Agreement shall be due within ninety (90) days of written notice from University.
a.除本协议中另行规定的以外,本协议项下要求的所有款项均应在大学的书面通知之后九十 (90) 天内到期。
b. Payments past due shall bear interest at the rate of point zero three percent (0.03%) per day compounded, or the maximum interest rate allowed by applicable law, whichever is less.
逾期款项应按照每日百分之零点零三 (0.03%) 的复利或者适用法律允许的最高利率(以较低者为准)计收利息。
License fees
(1) In consideration of the granting of rights to use pursuant to section 4, the Licensee shall pay to AAA the following license fees:
(a) A license fee for each Turn-Key Line sold by the Licensee or its Affiliates which shall be calculated as follows: EUR 90,000.00 (in words: ninety thousand Euros) per megawatt of Planned Production Capacity of the respective Turn-Key Line.
(b) The license fee according to paragraph (a) is payable as a lump-sum payment which becomes due 12 months after the binding purchase agreement concerning the Turn-Key Line has been signed by BBB and the respective customer, irrespective of whether such Turn-Key Line has been delivered to the respective customer or whether acceptance by the respective customer has occurred. These payments cannot be credited against any other payments under this Agreement and cannot be reimbursed.
(c) In addition to the license fees in para. 1 (a), a license fee for each Single Equipment sold by the Licensee or its Affiliates in the amount of 8% of the price agreed for the following types of Single Equipment
(i) Single Equipment for CIGS/CIGS coating or buffer coating;
(ii) Measurement instruments for qualifying a CIGS photovoltaic cell or a CIGS photovoltaic module;
(iii) Measurement instruments for qualifying a production process of a CIGS photovoltaic cell or a CIGS photovoltaic module;
(iv) Single Equipment carrying out other processes which make use of the Contractual Property Rights and/or Contractual Know-How to more than an insignificant extent.
The price of the respective Single Equipment shall comprise of the sum of all considerations received by BBB or its Affiliates for delivering, putting up and putting into operation the Single Equipment, regardless of whether such consideration is made as a cash payment, in kind, in the form of services or in any other form, and regardless of whether such consideration is made as a one-time payment, as a recurring payment or otherwise. To the extent the consideration does not consist in cash payment, its fair market value expressed in an amount of money shall be taken as a basis. To the extent this fair market value cannot be readily determined and the Parties cannot agree on such a fair market value, an arbitrator appointed by the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Baden-Wurttemberg (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer Baden-Württemberg) shall determine the fair market value.
The license fee shall become due 10 (ten) days after delivery of the Single Equipment to the customer, but not later than nine months after the binding purchase agreement concerning the respective Single Equipment has been signed. The license fee shall be paid net of any fees and any other deductions.
The payments cannot be credited against any other payments to be made under this Agreement and will not be reimbursed.
(2) Any value-added taxes and indirect taxes to be levied upon the license payments shall be borne by the Licensee. The Licensee shall pay directly any taxes to be attributed to AAA, if any.
(3) The Licensee shall keep the data used for the calculation of the license fees separate from any other company records and shall provide these data to AAA upon request without undue delay (unverzüglich). Upon AAA's request, AAA is entitled to have audited by a financial auditor or a financial auditing firm contracted by AAA any records, accounts, invoices and any other data which directly or indirectly relate to the calculation of the license fees. AAA shall bear the audit costs unless an audit reveals that the license fees paid by the Licensee fall short of the license fees to be paid by more than 5%, in which case the Licensee shall pay the related audit costs.
(4) Unless this Agreement is previously terminated, the obligation to pay license fees pursuant to section 6(1) shall only expire when the last Contractual Property Right has lapsed or - if the secret nature of the Contractual Know-How persists beyond that point in time - when the Contractual Know-How has become fully publicly known. If the Contractual Know-How becomes fully publicly known without the Licensor having contributed to such a disclosure (the burden of proof for such aspect shall be on the Licensor), such disclosure shall not affect the amount of the license fees as long as at least one Contractual Property Right remains valid.
(5) To the extent that in this clause the terms “purchase”, “purchase agreement", “sold” etc. are To the extent used, the respective provisions shall also apply to other contract types covering the construction and/or permitted use of the referenced equipment etc., including any service contracts (Werkverträge) or work performance contracts (Werklieferverträge).
(6) The obligation of the Licensee to pay the license fees according to section 6 para. 1 (a) and (c) already arises when a legally effective purchase contract for the respective Turn-Key Line or Single Equipment, respectively, is concluded, regardless of whether the Licensee's and/or sub-Licensee's obligations resulting from such contract were already fulfilled before this Agreement is terminated.