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Apprehension和Arrest都是指刑事拘捕,可互换使用, Apprehension是指将罪犯抓获并以拘禁。 Arrest则指对正在实施犯罪的人或被怀疑实施了犯罪的人进行的实际管束,尤指将某人拘押以送警察局进行刑事指控。

Approval of arrest 批准逮捕

Wanted for arrest 通缉

Liberation or Apprehension 解放与拘禁



Attachment: The arrest of a person who either is in contempt of court or is to be held as security for the payment of a judgment.



Seizure: The seizure of a person(as for arrest or investigation). Not all seizures, however,require a warrant. A seizure that constitutes an arrest requires probable cause to be reasonable, and a stop usu. requires reasonable suspicion of the particular person or persons stopped,although stops like those at drunk driving checkpoints may be justified by a plan that places explicit and neutral limitations on the conduct of police officers with no requirement of individualized suspicion.



Moreover, paragraph 15 of resolution 1973 (2011) requires any Member State, whether acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, when it undertakes an inspection pursuant to paragraph 13 of the resolution, to submit promptly an initial written report to the Committee containing, in particular, explanation of the grounds for the inspection, the results of such inspection and whether or not cooperation was provided, and, if prohibited items for transfer are found, further requires such Member States to submit to the Committee, at a later stage, a subsequent written report containing relevant details on the inspection, seizure, disposal and relevant details of the transfer, including a description of the items, their origin and intended destination, if this information is not in the initial report.


In paragraphs 14 and 17 of his report to the General Assembly on the budget for the Tribunal for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/64/478), the Secretary-General indicated that intensified efforts continued for the tracking and apprehension of the 13 fugitives who remained at large, including those prioritized for trial at the Tribunal because they bear the greatest responsibility for the genocide.


The new Constitution (ratified on 7 August 2008) guarantees civil and political rights and fundamental freedoms including, inter alia: the right to life; right to nondiscrimination; right to fair and public trials; protection from arbitrary detention; right to bail; freedom from forced confession; right to legal aid; prohibition of torture or degrading treatment; right to appeal; access to compensation for unlawful arrest or detention; right to vote (voting age reduced to 18) and to hold public office; freedom of opinion and expression; right to privacy; right to information; freedom of association; freedom of assembly; freedom of movement; and provision of special protection to vulnerable groups, including children, adolescents, elders, and people with special needs.


