翻译热线:400 100 6256









Amnesty: A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense. Unlike an ordinary pardon, amnesty is usually addressed to crimes against state sovereignty.

指取消罪名或对罪行忽略不计,多适用于侵犯国家主权的犯罪或政治犯,由于其常用于针对一群人或一个阶层的人,故也称为general pardon, 即“大赦”;其可经行政命令或立法予以颁布)。

Amnesty provision 特赦条款

amnesty law 大赦法


Pardon: A pardon is usually granted by the chief executive of a government. Pardon bars any further prosecution or punishment,but it does not remove a conviction from one's record.

多用于指宽恕某个罪犯的罪行,常适用于那些危害国家治安的罪犯,由于pardon通常只能由国家行政长官,如总统或州长等的恩准,故其也称为executive pardon。



It expressed concern that the passing of the amnesty law had undermined the plan of action, and called on the Government to conduct independent and judicial investigations into all credible allegations of serious human rights abuses, establish a truth-seeking mechanism to document past human rights abuses, repeal the amnesty law, and bar those suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity or serious human rights abuses from holding government posts.


Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that, at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the differences in the employment conditions of the permanent and ad litem judges were those described in article 12 quater, paragraph (2), of the Tribunal’s statute, namely that ad litem judges were not eligible for election as, or to vote in the election of, the President of the Tribunal or the Presiding Judge of a Trial Chamber; nor did they have power to adopt rules of procedure and evidence, review an indictment or consult with the President of the Tribunal in relation to the assignment of judges or in relation to a pardon or commutation of sentence.

