翻译热线:400 100 6256












II.Delivery of Products Purchased


1.根据甲乙双方签署的采购订单,乙方可根据货物实际装柜情况产生不大于协议总金额 2% 的数量变动,但该部分数量变动产品应能装进约定数量的货柜。若采购订单的产品不能全部装进约定数量的货柜中,视为乙方自动取消该部分未能装进货柜产品的订单,甲方对未能装进约定数量的货柜中的产品不负有采购义务。

Under the PO entered into by and between Party A and Party B, Party B is permitted to generate a quantity discrepancy no greater than 2% of the total price of this Agreement based on the actual loading of goods, provided that such discrepancy shall be able to be loaded into the cabinet designed to store an agreed quantity of goods. In the event that the Products under the PO cannot be entirely loaded into the said cabinet, Party B shall be deemed to have automatically canceled the PO applicable to such portion of the Products that cannot be so loaded, and Party A shall not be obligated to purchase that portion of the Products.


2.甲方有权将【采购订单约定的最迟发货日期】推迟30天 。在采购订单约定最迟发货日期的30天后,如甲方仍未要求发货且乙方已完成生产,则视为乙方已经发货,并甲方需按采购订单向乙方支付货款。但无论何种情况,乙方发货前都应通知甲方。

Party A shall have the right to postpone [the latest shipping date set forth in the PO (the “Latest Shipping Date”)] by thirty (30) days. If, upon expiration of the thirty (30) day period after the Latest Shipping Date, Party A fails to request the shipping of the goods that have been manufactured by Party B, such goods shall be deemed to have been shipped by Party B, for which Party A shall pay Party B as per the PO; provided, however, that Party B shall in any case notify Party A before shipping.


3.如甲方要求的实际发货日期较采购订单约定的最迟发货日期推迟多于 30天但不多于90天(包括第90天)时,则超过30天且不超过第90天的部分,甲方须另行向乙方支付【每个40尺柜(不区分箱型)7美金每天】的仓储费。

Should the actual shipping date requested by Party A be postponed for more than thirty (30) days but no more than ninety (90) days from the Latest Shipping Date, then Party A is required to pay separately to Party B a daily warehousing fee of [USD 7 per 40 feet cabinet (regardless of the cabinet type)] for such postponement period above commencing from the thirty-first (31st) day (inclusive) to the ninetieth (90th) day (inclusive).



Should the actual shipping date requested by Party A be postponed for more than ninety (90) days from the Latest Shipping Date, then Party A is required to pay separately to Party B a daily warehousing fee of [USD 7 per 40 feet cabinet (regardless of the cabinet type)] for the postponement period from the thirty-first (31st) day (inclusive) to the ninetieth (90th) day (inclusive) after the Latest Shipping Date, and of [USD 10 per 40 feet cabinet (regardless of the cabinet type)] for the postponement period commencing from the ninety-first (91st) day (inclusive).



Except otherwise set forth in Paragraph 8 of this Article II, Party B who postpones shipping shall pay the following liquidated damages; provided, however, that if Party B has fully advised Party A of any threatened postponement in advance, Party A will grant an exemption of liquidated damages to a certain extent. 


(a)实际发货时间晚于最迟发货日期7天以内(包括第7天),乙方须向甲方支付发货单金额 3% 的违约金;在此情况下,若乙方在最早发货日期前14-28天区间告知延期,违约金减为发货单金额的2%;在最早发货日期前28天告知延期,违约金减为发货单金额的1%。

Should the actual shipping time be postponed for no more than seven (7) days from the Latest Shipping Date, Party B is required to pay Party A liquidated damages in an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the amount of the delivery order; in such case, the liquidated damages shall be reduced to: (i) two percent (2%) of the amount of the delivery order if Party B has advised Party A of such postponement on the date fourteen (14) days to twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date; or (ii) one percent (1%) of the amount of the delivery order if Party B has advised Party A of the postponement more than twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date.


(b)实际发货时间晚于最迟发货日期 8天但不多于14天(包括第14天),乙方须向甲方支付发货单金额 5% 的违约金;在此情况下,若乙方在最早发货日期前14-28天区间告知延期,违约金减为发货单金额的3%;在最早发货日期前28天告知延期,违约金减为发货单金额的2%。

Should the actual shipping time be postponed for no less than eight (8) days but no more than fourteen (14) days from the Latest Shipping Date, Party B is required to pay Party A liquidated damages in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the delivery order; in such case, the liquidated damages shall be reduced to: (i) three percent (3%) of the amount of the delivery order if Party B has advised Party A of such postponement on the date fourteen (14) days to twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date; or (ii) two percent (2%) of the amount of the delivery order if Party B has advised Party A of the postponement more than twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date.


(c)实际发货时间晚于最迟发货日期15天但不多于28天(包括第28天),乙方须向甲方支付发货单金额 10% 的违约金;在此情况下,若乙方在最早发货日期前14-28天区间告知延期,违约金减为发货单金额的5%;在最早发货日期前28天告知延期,违约金减为发货单金额的3%。

Should the actual shipping time be postponed for no less than fifteen (15) days but no more than twenty eight (28) days from the Latest Shipping Date, Party B is required to pay Party A liquidated damages in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount of the delivery order; in such case, the liquidated damages shall be reduced to: (i) five percent (5%) of the amount of the delivery order if Party B has advised Party A of such postponement on the date fourteen (14) days to twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date; or (ii) three percent (3%) of the amount of the delivery order if Party B has advised Party A of the postponement more than twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date.


(d)实际发货时间晚于最迟发货日期28天以上,则甲方有权取消订单,及要求乙方须向甲方支付发货单金额 10% 的违约金。

Should the actual shipping time be postponed for more than twenty eight (28) days from the Latest Shipping Date, then Party A shall have the right to cancel the PO, and to require Party B to pay liquidated damages in an amount equal to 10% of the amount of the delivery order.



With respect to any seasonal product (to be confirmed by the Parties by differentiating product attributes whenever an order is placed), if and when the actual shipping time is postponed for no less than fourteen (14) days from the Latest Shipping Date, Party A shall have the right to cancel the corresponding PO without liability therefor. 



In case the PO terminates for reasons not attributable to the negligence of Party A, Party B is required to pay Party A the following liquidated damages as well as such other fees as client claims, attorneys’ fees and legal costs:



If the termination occurs no more than fourteen (14) days prior to the earliest shipping date, Party B is required to pay Party A liquidated damages in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount of the PO;



If the termination occurs no less than fifteen (15) days but no more than twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date, Party B is required to pay Party A liquidated damages in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the PO; or



If the termination occurs more than twenty eight (28) days prior to the earliest shipping date, Party B is required to pay Party A liquidated damages in an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the amount of the PO;



Party B shall timely deliver goods as per the agreed shipping schedule, and may be granted a reduction of the penalty for late delivery as agreed upon by the Parties if any anomalies shall have been notified to Party A in advance. If the booking of any shipping space is canceled for reasons attributable to Party B upon generation of the booking confirmation (i.e. the time of actual issuance by a third party shipping agent), in addition to the penalty for late delivery, Party B shall pay Party A dead freight of USD 500 per cabinet. 



Party B is required to pay Party A liquidated damages, compensations or otherwise in accordance with this Agreement, and Party A shall have the right to deduct the same directly from the amount payable to Party B.


8.本条第4点约定的违约金不适用于不可抗力事件,如自然灾害(如地震、台风、 洪水、火灾)、战争、暴动等直接或间接影响产品交付并且没有合理可用的替代方案来避免或限制甲方延迟接收产品的情况。 遇到不可抗力事件时,乙方应立即通过电话或电子邮件通知甲方。 这种不可抗力的延迟及其程度或范围应自事件发生之日起7天内形成书面文件并进行公证。若因不可抗力导致的发货推迟超过最迟发货日期后的28天时,甲方有权无责终止采购订单。

The liquidated damages under Paragraph 4 of this Article II shall not apply to any force majeure event that directly or indirectly affects the delivery of the Products and for which there is no reasonably feasible alternative solution to avoid or restrict Party A’s delay in taking delivery of the Products, e.g. natural disaster (for instance, earthquake, typhoon, flood and fire), war and riot. Party B shall, immediately after the occurrence of any force majeure event, notify Party A by telephone or via email. The delay caused by such force majeure event and the degree or extent of such delay shall be stated in writing and notarized within seven (7) days following the date of occurrence of the event. If and when the delivery of goods is postponed due to force majeure for no less than twenty eight (28) days after the Latest Shipping Date, Party A shall have the right to terminate the PO without liability therefor.








Article IV

Delays and Non-Delivery




4.1Importance of On-Time Delivery. AAAA understands that time is of the essence in the delivery and that any delay or incomplete shipment for reason(s) other than those mentioned in this Article shall be considered to be detrimental to BBBB. BBBB shall have the right to claim for such delay.


4.2Extended Delivery Time. If shipping is delayed due to Force Majeure as per Article 7, or solely because of an act or omission of BBBB including delays caused by Ingot defects, the time of delivery shall be extended for a reasonable period of time, taking into consideration all pertinent circumstances.


4.3Containment Actions. In case AAAA becomes aware that there is a possibility that a shipment might turn out to be incomplete or delayed as against the agreed quantity or shipping schedule specified in a purchase order. AAAA shall immediately inform BBBB about the delay in writing, give the reason(s) for the delay and inform the new shipment date. Where BBBB agrees to the new shipment date, AAAA shall, at no additional cost to BBBB, take necessary measures to ensure the delayed Wafers are delivered on or before the revised delivery date.


4.4Insufficient Capacity. In the case that AAAA has confirmed the availability of its production capacity in accordance with Articles 1.2 and 3.2 and Annex 1 and that it afterwards appears that AAAA will not be able to process the Wafers in accordance with the agreed time schedule as specified in a purchase order, AAAA shall immediately, as soon as AAA becomes aware of, inform BBBB thereof in writing. BBBB shall have the right to request compensation for all the direct extra costs associated with BBBB’s evasive actions BBBB may take against non-delivery on time. Direct extra costs are defined for the purpose of this Article as all the extra costs that BBBB incurs by such evasive actions, e.g., transportation costs of the Ingots.


4.5Information. AAAA agrees that a failure to inform BBBB of a yield loss possibly leading to incomplete shipment, quantity deviation, delay or the non-delivery as stipulated in Article 4.2 above shall be considered to constitute gross negligence on the part of AAAA.


4.6Delayed Shipment. If the shipment of the Wafers is delayed from the scheduled shipping date, not resulting from Force Majeure or an act or omission of BBBB as set forth Article 4.2, BBBB shall at its option:


(i)have the right to postpone or cancel the delayed Purchase Order in whole or in part with immediate effect or


(ii)demand immediate remedy of such delay by the fastest possible transportation of the ordered Wafers at AAAA’s expense.


4.7Contract Termination Due to Insufficiency of Capacity or Capability. Where AAAA cannot process the Wafers, including cases where the agreed Wafer specification cannot be achieved or some purchase orders are not fulfilled, due to lack of capacity, despite the explicit agreement between the parties in this Contract, or capability, BBBB shall have the right to consider this Contract as terminated without a cause and request compensation as stipulated in Article 11.



